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Valvoline™ Fuel Injector Cleaner contains detergents designed to remove deposits on fuel injectors and carburetors that begin to build up with every tank of gasoline. Power and performance can be reduced if deposits are allowed to accumulate in these vital areas. This multi-purpose cleaner will help clean fuel systems, which in turn helps save gas and restores lost power and performance. It also helps fight fuel line freeze and prevents corrosion by removing water in the fuel system.
Valvoline™ Fuel Injector Cleaner contains detergents designed to remove deposits on fuel injectors and carburetors that begin to build up with every tank of gasoline. Power and performance can be reduced if deposits are allowed to accumulate in these vital areas. This multi-purpose cleaner will help clean fuel systems, which in turn helps save gas and restores lost power and performance. It also helps fight fuel line freeze and prevents corrosion by removing water in the fuel system.