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Shop top brands at any of our stores, or through our online shop, like Duke Traps, Minnesota Trapline Products, Woodstream and many others.
There are many different types of animal traps that are sure to help clear your land of harmful invaders. From racoons, possums and other small rodents to more dangerous animals like coyotes, bobcats and even bears, the right trap is worth the money. Take a look at some of the more popular options that we sell below:
Don’t forget to add some essential accessories to increase the effectiveness of your trap. Remember to pick up:
In order to trap a small rodent, try something like this Duke Coil Spring Jaw Spread Trap. This classic design restrains the rodent’s foot until you can properly deal with them.
Nearly any size animal can be trapped in a compassionate way with the right trap. One of the most humane animal traps is a grip trap like the Duke 110BT Body Gripping Trap, which catches and dispatches wildlife in the quickest manner possible.