K9 Advantix II, 0-10 Lbs.
4 Doses, Green
K9 Advantix II is a monthly preventative for dogs that offers comprehensive protection against ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, biting flies and chewing lice. K9 Advantix II is a top veterinarian-recommended brand because it repels and kills all life stages of fleas (eggs, pupae, larvae, and adult fleas) and ticks (Deer ticks, American dog ticks, Brown dog ticks, and Lone Star ticks). K9 Advantix II kills 98-100 percent of fleas within 12 hours and continues working for one month to prevent infestations.
For Dogs and Puppies (only over 7 weeks of age or older)
• Repels and kills fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes
• Kills 98-100 percent of adult fleas within 12 hours
• Ends flea life cycle by preventing flea offspring (eggs, pupae, and larvae) from maturing into adult fleas
• Repels biting flies and kills chewing lice
• Provides one month of protection against ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, biting flies
• Repels disease-carrying mosquitoes before they bite
• Waterproof - continues working even after your dog becomes wet
How it works:
K9 Advantix II combines imidacloprid and permethrin to repel and kill fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. Both ingredients work on contact, attacking parasite nerve cells at different sites. Together these ingredients overwhelm the nervous system killing the parasite. Pyriproxyfen is an insect growth regulator. K9 Advantix II topical solution also repels biting flies and kills lice.
DO NOT USE ON CATS. Cats cannot metabolize the ingredients used in this product. Cats must be separated from dogs during treatment. Do not allow your cat to come in contact with a treated dog for 24 hours. Some small and medium dogs may have an adverse skin reaction.