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Frigid Forage Wall Hanger – 4 lb / 1/2 Acre Bag

Frigid Forage Wall Hanger – 4 lb / 1/2 Acre Bag

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Frigid Forage Wall Hanger – 4 lb / 1/2 Acre Bag

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Contains:  Alfalfa, Forage Chicory, Ladino clover, & Medium Red Clover along with a 15% blend Purple Top Turnips, Forage Rape, and Daikon Forage Radish to act as a nurse crop the first season while the perennials become established.


Wall Hanger Planting Tips

Wall Hanger can be planted in either the Spring or late summer/early Fall.

Since Wall Hanger contains alfalfa, chicory and clover, it can be planted in a variety of conditions but does best in lighter soils in full sun. Can handle sandy soils and extended dry periods once established.

Condition the soil with a plow, disk, or similar equipment to prepare a good seed bed as early as possible so weeds have a chance to begin growing. Allow the field to green up then spray with Round Up two weeks before planting.

When ready to plant, loosen up the seed bed surface with a drag or chain link fence to further prep the soil. Do not till too deep, tilling deep will only bring more weed seeds to the surface.

Soil should be fertile with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. If you are not sure of your soils fertility or pH, have your soil tested. Your local farm co-op or fertilizer dealer can usually help with this.*A good fertilizer recommendation is 200-300lbs of 8-24-24 *Apply either pelletized lime or ag lime if needed.

Broadcast or drill at 8-10lbs/acre 7. After seeding you can drag the seed bed, but do not cover the seed with more than 1⁄4 inch of top soil.

Important Use a cultipacker, roller, or even your ATV tires to pack the field to insure good seed/soil contact. You do not need to worry about covering the seed. If the seed is planted too deep, it will not grow.

Wait for rain! As with all plantings, the sooner it rains the better so watch your weather forecast and try to plant before a reasonable chance of rain.