We are moving our operations. As a result, shipping times may be longer than normal. We apologize for any inconvenience.
It's Hidd'n® camouflage. No, it's hi viz blaze. No — it's both! Constructed with sleek performance stretch fleece, the balaclava forms to your head and moves quietly and easily with you as you make your way through the trees to spot that buck you've been tracking all season. The camo fleece is finished with a durable water repellant (DWR) treatment that sheds light rain and snow. It's fully lined and reverses from camouflage to blaze orange to keep you safe and legal. The double layer is comfortably warm, yet thin enough to be worn under another hat. Don't be caught in the cold without it.
It's Hidd'n® camouflage. No, it's hi viz blaze. No — it's both! Constructed with sleek performance stretch fleece, the balaclava forms to your head and moves quietly and easily with you as you make your way through the trees to spot that buck you've been tracking all season. The camo fleece is finished with a durable water repellant (DWR) treatment that sheds light rain and snow. It's fully lined and reverses from camouflage to blaze orange to keep you safe and legal. The double layer is comfortably warm, yet thin enough to be worn under another hat. Don't be caught in the cold without it.